Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope your day is filled with good smells throughout the house, rumbling tummies, elastic waistbands, pumpkin cheesecake or Hello Dollies, and food comas.

In the spirit of American Thanksgiving, I'd like to take the time out to just say how very thankful I am to have you as my reader.

To those who comment on every post - thank you so much for your dedication and your loyalty, and believe me I read and enjoy every single thing that you write. You inspire me every day.

If you've been lurking, I invite you to come out of the woodwork, if just once, to say hi. I'd love to meet you!

I'm off to HB's ranch in the Hill Country, so I'll be wire-less, computer-less, internet-less, reception-less...and I'll be enjoying every minute of it. I've queued up a new outfit post that will go up tomorrow morning though - so be sure to check back tomorrow! Have a great holiday, and Hook 'Em Horns!!


when we walked in fields of gold


Hello Dolly Bars