Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury Set

ZOEVAROSEGOLDI'm sorry the posting has been patchy these last few weeks. I wish I could say it will get better, but until my ABA (Anesthesiology Board) exam July 29th, most of my time is dedicated to studying. But I promise not to neglect you guys!

I did find the time to tell you guys about one of my favorite discoveries lately: this gorgeous rose gold brush set by Zoeva. Zoeva is a German based makeup company that creates more than just beautiful, well-built makeup brushes. But these rose gold beauties are the focus of my rave today.


As mentioned in the video, I'm going to be doing shorter, one-off product review videos as a compromise to my lack of posting/blog time. So the videos in question will be single product reviews of products that I think are worth your time. I am having a hard time coming up with a cute alliteration to describe this series. Can you come up with any suggestions? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks and don't forget to subscribe.


Sephora Shopping Haul


Birthday "Haul"