Don't Be Late, Glitterati
I know it's a little early to be thinking about New Year's, but if you start making your plans now, you'll have a much better night than all your friends who scrambled for plans at their buddy's-neighbor's-cousin's-coworker's house. Trust me, that's never a good time. While you're planning, why not plan your outfit? My psychic senses are tingling, and they are forecasting not silver this holiday season, but GOLD. It's fabulous. It's warm. Why look like the ice queen in the dead of winter? For gosh sakes put some color on! What better way, than with something shiny, sparkly, fabulous. Hey, it's just an idea. Buy the shoes at
Just look at these gorgeous babies! If I had plenty of dough right now (and I don't, because I am a medical student--EPIC FAIL) then I would snatch these up in a heartbeat. Let a girl live vicariously, please, and buy them for yourself. Dansko's are so, so great if you're on your feet all day. My back aches like crazy after a day in the hospital wearing my New Balance 992s--not so whenever I wear my Dansko's! Your feet (and back) will thank me.